Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Universal Law of the Climate Debate: Nobody Ever Change their Minds.

A Quick Note on the Degeneration of the climate debate

Above: warmunist flags held by climatastrosophists.

What you can expect if you get a Ph.D. in geology, nowadays? See below: you will be said to be 1) a rabid climate change alarmist, 2) a warmunist, 3) a climatastrosophist (?), 4) someone who turned to the dark side 5) paid for doing it. 

And all that in a single paragraph! 

Name-calling has always been effective as a rhetorical trick, but perhaps Mr. Rud Istvan, the author of this post on WUWT, could consider being a little more restrained with these rants.

"For those unfamiliar with Oreskes, she received a degree in geology and subsequently became a practicing geologist. Later, she returned to Cal Berkley for a PhD in history of science. After this she then became a rabid climate change alarmist, as evidenced by her books noted above. She became famous for her Warmunism. I noted this in footnote 24 to essay Climatastrosophistry in my ebook Blowing Smoke, which I based on former Czech president Vaclav Klaus’ 2007 book “Blue Planet in Green Chains”. Oreskes’s work led to a tenured Harvard professorship. Her intellectual abandonment of her previous work and conclusions about earth science models, as encapsulated in her earlier paper in Science, is indicative of her career/financial turn to the dark side."

You can read the whole post on WUWT. But don't expect it to be anything more than the paragraph above, repeated and illustrated with the usual fake graphs. Naomi Oreskes must have been doing something good, lately, because she has become a favorite target, there, even more than Michael Mann!

So, what's left of what once was called a "debate"? Basically nothing, except that it is becoming clear that there exists a universal law perhaps more unbreakable than thermodynamics. It is "nobody ever changes their minds."


Ugo Bardi is a member of the Club of Rome, faculty member of the University of Florence, and the author of "Extracted" (Chelsea Green 2014), "The Seneca Effect" (Springer 2017), and Before the Collapse (Springer 2019)